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10/30/24 - General Services Administration(GSA) 300 ICO 1st. Street Courthouse USDC EVSE, Los Angeles, California

General Service Administration awared Su-Mo Builders to construct EVSE charging stations in GSA 1st Street Courthouse USDC located in Los Angles, California. The work includes Design-Build of electrical charging stations in the existing parking structure. 

9/11/24 - Su-Mo Builders Semi-Annual Safety Incentive - Hydro Flask
Replace Station G16 & B68 Renovate X06 Office Space 
 Replace Primary Digester B902

7/08/24 - Compound Utility Repairs, B373, MCBH, Kaneohe 

Su-Mo Builders is awarded $7,080,800.00 from Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Hawaii to restore B373 Compound Utilities. The work includes reconstructing damaged section of existing waterline and restore Portland Concrete Cement load-beaing capacity in open pit area at the Marine Corps Base, Kaneohe. 

2/13/24 - B150 CNRH - HVAC Replacement, Joint Base Peral Harbor-Hickam

Su-Mo Builders is awarded $14,637,598.00 from Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Hawaii to replace HVAC equipment with new chilled water type equipment on the basement, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd floors of Building 150 located in Joint Base Pearl Harbor Hickam

1/18/24 - 2023 Annual Employee Safety Award Winners

The following individuals have received the 2023 Annual Employee Safety Award:

I.  Salaried Employee Category – Mark Anthony Macapulay

II. Hourly Employee Category – Kahele Ioane

Congratulations to the award winners

5/23/23 - B16 Repair Roof, Bldg Exterior, and Replace HVAC

Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Hawaii awarded Su-Mo Builders Inc. $4,732,500.00 for Design-Build project from Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Hawaii to repair Building 16 located in Joint Base Pearl Harbor Hickam. The scope of work includes replacement of exisitng fire alarm system with mass notification, replacement of mechanical components, installation of new direct digital control (DDC) system for the air conditioning system and exterior painting.

12/27/22 - PHNSY B68 Renovate X06 Office Space

Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Hawaii awarded Su-Mo Builders Inc. $4,895,630.00 for Design-Build project to replace the heavily termite damaged and deteriorated Shop 06 Supervisor Office space located within Building 68 at Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard & Intermediate Maintenance Facility (PHNSY & IMF) at Joint Base Pearl Harbor Hickam (JBPHH), Hawaii. The Shop 06 Office space includes a conference room, a training area/classroom, and restrooms. The proposed work includes demolition and replacement of existing walls/partitions, finishes, Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning systems (HVAC), plumbing and electrical systems and fixtures. Additional work includes installing a fire protection system for the enclosed spaces.

9/27/22 - GSA PBS Governmentwide Multiple-Award IDIQ Contracts for General Construction with Design/Build Capabilities to Support the Installation of Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment

Su-Mo Builders Inc. was awarded a maximum-combined-value $500,000,000 indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity, multiple-award design-build/design-bid-build construction contract from U.S. General Service Administration(GSA) for general construction to support the installation of electrical vehicle supply equipment located in Hawaii, California, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming, Arizona, Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Colorado, Montana, North Dakoda, South Dakota. These construction and design-build IDIQ contracts include architectural, engineering, construction, and other related services necessary to design and to construct EVSE (electrical vehicle supply equipment) infrastructure improvements and installation, compliant with applicable codes.

4/20/2022 - Command Pacific Submarine Force (COMSUBPAC)

Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Hawaii awarded Su-Mo Builders Inc. $5,617,650 for design-build project to repair and modernize the Uninterrupted Power Supply power, emergency power supply system and main electrical distrubution for Command Pacific Submarine Force (COMSUBPAC).

11/17/2021 - Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command (NAVFAC) Small Business Multiple Award Construction Contracts

Su-Mo Builders Inc. was awarded a maximum-combined-value $499,000,000 indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity, multiple-award design-build/design-bid-build construction contract for construction projects located primarily within the Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command (NAVFAC) Hawaii area of responsibility. The scope of work includes but is not limited to labor, supervision, tools, materials, and equipment necessary to perform new construction. This also includes repair, alteration, and related demolition of existing infrastructure based on Design-Build or Design-Bid-Build (Full Plans and Specifications) for infrastructures within the State of Hawaii.

4/19/21 - Safety Excellence
Repair Mess Hall - Safety Excellence 4 2 21.jpg

LCDR James Galloway presented Certificate Of Achievement in recognition of excellent safety performance.

2/28/2020 - Message from LCDR James Galloway

Su-Mo Builders Inc. –

LT Baeza and I conducted a walkthrough of Anderson Hall this morning.  I wanted to share with you my observations. 

The site was bustling with workers wearing all required PPE and moving with a sense of purpose.   The quality of the work being performed was excellent; notably the tile work in the bathrooms.  LT Baeza did tell me that he frequently see the QCM and SSHO walking the site, proactively identifying and documenting issues.  Lastly, I do appreciate your close coordination and communication with the FEAD and Facilities team to identify opportunities in the schedule to get ahead and keep the project on track.   Truly, great job on all fronts!    Thank you for your continued commitment to the project while ensuring that Anderson Hall can continue to execute its mission.   Keep up the great work.  As always, if there is anything you need from me/us, please do let me know. 


LCDR James Galloway, P.E., LEED-AP

Director, Facilities Engineering and Acquisition Division, Marine Corps Base Hawaii

Naval Facilities Engineering Command Hawaii​


Su-Mo Builders Inc.,* Honolulu, Hawaii, is awarded $9,989,777 for firm-fixed-price task order N6247819F4051 to provide repair to the mess hall and replace the walk-in freezer and cooling systems at Building 1089, Marine Corps Base, Hawaii. The project includes repairs to various areas and components of the mess hall, as well as electrical work, landscaping, the construction of two mechanical enclosures, and the installation of hand wash stations, an entry vestibule, and air conditioning. Work will be performed in Kaneohe, Hawaii. 


Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Hawaii awarded Su-Mo Builders, Inc., a firm-fixed-price task order for $8,417,930.00 to replace/repair the Navy’s Halawa Sewer, Water and Drainage systems that services Marine Corps installation, Camp H.M. Smith. 

“This project ensures the modernization of utility systems serving the warfighters at United States Indo-Pacific Command and Marine Forces Pacific,” said NAVFAC Hawaii Utilities Director Kevin Wong. “The new water and sewer lines will provide reliable and safe water for drinking and fire protection. It will also minimize the probability of wastewater violations, preventing threats to public health for many years to come.”

The work includes replacing the existing aging sanitary sewer and potable water pipe from the Halawa Water Pump Station to the lower side of Camp Smith through an existing utility corridor, approximately 3,200 LF of 10-inch sanitary sewer line and approximately 5,000 LF of 12-inch potable water main. It will also provide drainage and erosion control improvements within the utility corridor, the replacement of booster pumps and piping at the Halawa Pump Station, interconnections to Honolulu Board of Water Supply and Camp Smith water systems, and incidental related work. 


Su-Mo Builders Inc.,* Honolulu, Hawaii is awarded a $90,000,000 firm-fixed-price modification to increase the maximum dollar value of an indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity, multiple award, design-build/design-bid-build construction contract. This contract provides for construction projects located primarily within the Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Hawaii area of operations (AO). Work will be performed at various Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force and miscellaneous federal and other facilities in the NAVFAC Hawaii AO. The work to be performed provides for, but is not limited to, labor, supervision, tools, materials and equipment that are necessary to perform new construction, repair, alteration and related demolition of existing infrastructure based on design-build or design-bid-build (full plans and specifications) for infrastructure within the state of Hawaii. Work is expected to be completed by April 2023. After award of this modification, the total cumulative contract value will be $335,000,000. The NAVFAC Hawaii, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, is the contracting activity.


Congratulations to 2024 Scholarship recipients:

Pacific Business News recognized Su-Mo Builders as Hawaii’s Top 25 Defense Contractors in 2019. See full list here.

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Joshua Reid – Son of Steve Reid. Joshua will be attending Palm Beach Atlantic University in Fall 2024. Pursuing Bachelors of Science in Computer Science

Congratulations to 2024 Su-Mo Builders Scholarship Receipient:

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